Wily Critters Farm

Wily Critters Farm


Critter Links

Goat Education


    The Thrifty Homesteader :: Classes on various aspects of goat care by Deborah Niemann. She is clear, thorough and very supportive of her students.

    Goat Parasite Control :: American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control

    Goat Biology :: A thorough, understandable site about goat biology.

    Langston Goat Certification :: Dairy and meat goat certification courses.

PNW Goat Clubs

    Northwest Oregon Dairy Goat Association

    Southwest Washington Dairy Goat Association

    Northwest All Breed Goat Club

Rescues ❤️

    Harmony New Beginnings :: A family run rescue for horses and any other animal that needs help. Joy is one of my heros.

    National Pyr Rescue :: A wonderful rescue organization caring for Great Pyrenees dogs. They made me believe in pet rescues again.

    Barn Cats R Us :: These folks will do anything they can to rescue, care for and place feral cats. They are successful by an incredible standard ~ they regularly have more homes than kitties.

Goat Breed Registries

    American Dairy Goat Association :: The American Dairy Goat Association was organized in 1904 to collect, record and preserve the pedigrees of dairy goats and to provide genetic, management and related services to dairy goat breeders.

    The Miniature Goat Registry :: Registration Services For Experimental, American, And Purebred Miniature Dairy Goats

    Miniature Dairy Goat Association :: The Miniature Dairy Goat Association is dedicated to the development and promotion of miniature dairy goat breeds. We are a friendly group with members working together to promote the Miniature Dairy Goat industry.